2021-07-08 15:32:57 编辑:无 浏览:(1743次)
今日外刊来自《福布斯》(Forbes)。这篇文章主要报道了:如今美国人使用社交网络阅读新闻的情况(More Americans Are Getting Their News From Social Media)。文章中出现了很多描述具体数据的表达,非常值得同学们学习。
Pew's study also found out those who rely on social media for their news: industry giant Facebook is now where about half (52%) of American adults get the news, while YouTube came in the second at 28%, followed by Twitter at 17% and Instagram at 14%. LinkedIn, Reddit and Snapchat had smaller but still notable audiences at a respective 8%, 8% and 6%.
Facebook, along with Twitter and Reddit, also stood out as the sites that had the highest proportion of respective users seeking news. Almost three-quarters (73%) of users of the social network use it as a way to get news, compared to 71% of Twitter and 62% of Reddit users the Pew study found.
想要写百分之多少的人,相信大部分同学都会写 X % of people。如何让数据变得更灵活丰富一些呢?阅读文章后不难发现,一些分数的使用可以让数据的描写不再单调:
• 52% → about half
• 73% → three-quarters
• 88% → nine-in-ten
Almost three-quarters(73%)of users of the social network use it as a way to get news.
Pew's study also found out those who rely on social media for their news: industry giant Facebook is now where about half (52%) of American adults get the news, while YouTube came in the second at 28%, followed by Twitter at 17% and Instagram at 14%. LinkedIn, Reddit and Snapchat had smaller but still notable audiences at a respective 8%, 8% and 6%.
• at a respective数1,数2 and 数3
LinkedIn, Reddit 和Snapchat的受众虽少但仍值得注意,分别为8%,8% 和6%。
LinkedIn, Reddit and Snapchat had smaller but still notable audiences at a respective 8%. 8% and 6%.
• at 数1,数2 and 数3 respectively 或
• from 数 to 数 and 数 to 数respectively
The amount of money spent on food and housing rose slightly from $155 to $160 and $95 to $100 respectively.
Pew's study also found out those who rely on social media for their news: industry giant Facebook is now where about half (52%) of American adults get the news, while YouTube came in the second at 28%, followed by Twitter at 17% and Instagram at 14%. LinkedIn, Reddit and Snapchat had smaller but still notable audiences at a respective 8%, 8% and 6%.
• 句子, while 排第二的对象 came in second at数, followed by排第三的对象 at 数.
E.g. Turkish people spent the most (9%) on clothing and footwear, while Italian people came in the second at 4%, followed by Swedish people at 3.2%.
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